martes, 19 de febrero de 2008

workshop "egovernment mobile services"

El próximo 3 de marzo va a tener lugar en Barcelona un workshop acerca de servicios móviles en el egovernment organizado por la Comisión Europea.

El objetivo es mostrar iniciativas de uso del móvil en las administraciones locales con experiencias reales de diseño y puesta en marcha de los servicios. No hay ningún tipo de coste por la asistencia, aunque si el aforo es limitado. Para poder acceder al registo hay que entrar en este link.


9:30 – 10:00 Welcome and seminar objectives
10:00- 11:30 Case presentations and discussion - “P2P_MajorEvents” by Mr. Antoni Riu (PAU)
- “ICING” by Mr. Eoin Kilfeather (Dublin Institute of Technology)
- "Quedara" by Mr. Marcel Medina (Ready People)
- “Mobile Image Recognition” by Mr. Ignacio Mondine Natucci (DAEM)
- “SWEB” by Dr. Nineta Polemi (University of Piraeus)
- Case presented by Mr. Marc Bonavia (SIT mobile)
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 Case presentations and discussion - Case presented by “Generalitat de Catalunya” (tbc)
- “SMSParking” by Ms. Jacobs Stéphane (Mobile-for)
- "Red-Box" by Alejandro Carballo (Vodafone Spain)
- Case presented by CSI Piemonte (tbc)
13:00-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-16:30 Parallel sessions - Session A. Management and deployment: session particularly targeted at participants with management and decision making roles/background. The cases should cover issues around strategy, implementation options, technologies used, costs/investment issues, desing approaches, user-centred methodologies.

- Session B. Development and usability: session particularly targeted at participants with technical and service design roles/background. The cases should cover issues around technology options, usability, code re-use /open source, user acceptance, testing and validation.
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00 -17:30 Wrap-up session

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